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A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are used in various networking contexts and for application-specific naming and addressing purposes. In general, a domain name identifies a network domain, or it represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource, such as a personal computer used to access the Internet.

The Domain name matters

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01. Finding a Great Startup Domain Name

02. Choose a Specific Name

03. Tools to use when searching for a domain name

04. Most Brands Stick With .COM

05. Buying a Premium Domain is an Option

Points to consider:

Sounds positive and upbeat- Avoid negative connotations and meanings. Fewer syllables are also better.

Keep it simple - The easier the word is to spell, the better for consumers. Top of mind names are very important when scaling a business.

Choose the right Top-Level-Domain for the brand. What is the intent and growth trajectory of the company? That can help determine the ideal URL for the brand positioning into the future.

Do your research - After you come up with a name, look it up. Do a legal name search. Does it already exist? Is it trademarked? Are there similar companies or brands that currently trade under your intended brand name?

Select the right plan:

Use The Right Domain Name Extensions (.com, .org, .net)

Brandable Over Generic

Short Is Better Than Long

Make Sure It’s Easy To Type

Avoid Hyphens And Numbers

Think Long-Term Over Short-Term

Check If It’s Not Trademarked Or Already Used

Use Domain Name Generators When Stuck

Phasellus iaculis libero est, mollis tristique est accumsan nec. Nullam finibus fringilla nibh id convallis. Vivamus non porttitor odio. Nulla tempus quam eget dolor porta ullamcorper ac vitae erat. Sed vitae lacus rhoncus, efficitur arcu vitae, sagittis urna. Nunc luctus, tellus sodales consequat aliquet, enim dui iaculis odio, vel vulputate ligula sapien et erat. Curabitur et venenatis dolor. Pellentesque aliquet, nunc vel sollicitudin elementum, ex ante facilisis mi, sit amet placerat arcu urna id nulla.

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